HYDROGEN DIALOGUE – International delegations

BAVARIA – An international Hydrogen Hub
The Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy together with Bayern International the Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B) and the HYDROGEN DIALOGUE offer a varied social programme for international delegations in the course of the HYDROGEN DIALOGUE from December 4 to 6.
The social programme “Bavaria – an international hydrogen hub” includes visits of major Bavarian hydrogen companies, networking elements and evening events with the aim of connecting international visitors interested in hydrogen technologies and solutions with Bavarian and other national and international stakeholders.

Bavarian Hydrogen Expertise
Bavaria is an important driver for a successful hydrogen economy in Europe. The state had already published a hydrogen strategy before the German government and created the Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B), the central strategy and coordination office in Bavaria for national and international hydrogen actors. Together with its more than 360 partners in the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria, Bavaria represents a very successful location for hydrogen expertise along the entire value chain.
Bavaria offers international hydrogen players and partners technologies for the production, conversion, storage, delivery and use of green hydrogen that demonstrate solutions for decarbonizing the energy, industry and mobility sectors. At the same time, Bavaria, with its strong industry, has a high demand for imported, sustainable hydrogen.
With the event HYDROGEN DIALOGUE – Summit & Expo, NürnbergMesse offers a meeting point for national and international decision makers and experts from business, science and politics to come together in Nuremberg, Bavaria, in order to exchange knowledge and to position themselves successfully in the hydrogen economy.

Programme for International Delegations*
Tip: For your visit of HYDROGEN DIALOGUE, please use our programme recommendations with a convenient overview of the day's highlights as a timetable.
4 December 2024:
Attending the HYDROGEN DIALOGUE – Summit & Expo with special programme for the participants:
- Individual participation in the Summit & Expo
- Meeting with hydrogen startups in the StartUp Area
- Guided tour through the exhibition
- An international evening event with Bavarian beer:
Your country pitch on the Innovation Stage:
In one-minute pitch sessions with a maximum of 5 images each, one representative of each delegation explains their country (e.g. with reference to the status quo of the H2 economy/stakeholders; H2 strategy and objectives; challenges, etc.), the intention of participation and what impulses the delegation needs for networking.
For Bavaria, for example, the pitch could look like this:
- First picture: Solar energy → High proportion of PV in Bavaria
- Second picture: Number of partners of the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria → Strong network of stakeholders
- Third picture: Existing industry → High energy and transformation needs
- Fourth picture: Hydrogen filling station with H2 vehicles → Innovative, Bavarian hydrogen technologies and applications in use
- Fifth picture: World map → Interest in international cooperation
Are you travelling without a delegation? Please contact the event team if you would like to present your country: team@hydrogendialogue.com
International Networking:
After the pitches, you are invited to actively network with all visitors and exhibitors in the Networking Area. Various tables labelled with the respective country flags invite you to exchange ideas with interested parties. Take the opportunity to network with our national and international guests.
Evening Event:
After the stage programme, a DJ and open bars will ensure a successful conclusion to the first day of the event. As a delegation participant, you will receive an exclusive voucher for a free beer or non-alcoholic drink. Enjoy your chilled refreshment during international networking. All other drinks and snacks are available for a fee at the catering stations.
Tip: Take a look at our programme recommendations to plan your visit to HYDROGEN DIALOGUE.
5 December 2024:
Attending the HYDROGEN DIALOGUE – Summit & Expo with special programme for the participants:
- Individual participation in the Summit & Expo
- Visiting pitch sessions of the EUROPEAN HYDROGEN TRANSPORT DIALOGUE
- Guided tour through the exhibition
- Free, self-organized tour of Nuremberg's Christkindlesmarkt
If you need assistance in planning your visit, you can download our programme recommendations.
6 December 2024:
Excursions by bus to companies and organizations in the hydrogen sector in Bavaria:
Tour A: Region Nuremberg
- MAN Truck & Bus SE
- Wunsiedel Energy Park
Tour B: Region Erlangen
- Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH
- Fraunhofer IISB
- Schaeffler AG
Tour C: Region Munich 1
- Project "H2Direkt" in Hohenwart
- Technical University of Munich (TUM), Chair of Energy Systems
- Ostermeier H2drogen Solutions GmbH
Tour D: Region Munich 2
- Ariane Group
- SFC Energy AG
Tour E: Region Augsburg
- MAN Energy Solutions SE & Quest One GmbH
- Quantron AG
Tour F: Eastern Bavaria
- Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT
- Regensburg Centre of Energy and Resources (RCER) at the OTH (Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule) Regensburg
- + one more stop at another company
Participation in the bus tours is limited. Free places on the bus tours will only be announced shortly before the event and can then be booked via the ticket shop.
The bus tours are planned from approx. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., max. until 8:00 p.m. We therefore recommend a return journey on 7 December 2024 if possible (also due to possible delays, e.g. due to traffic jams).
You can also find the bus tours with useful information in our programme recommendations.
*Status of the programme planning: October 2024. Subject to change.
Programme recommendations for international delegations

Programme overview for the international delegations: Recommendations for visiting the HYDROGEN DIALOGUE - Summit & Expo 2025 (PDF)
Advantages for participants
With the special social programme “Bavaria – an international hydrogen hub” Bavaria offers international decision-makers and experts from business, science and politics numerous advantages:
- Contact initiation and intensive exchange with Bavarian companies in the field of technologies for the production, conversion, storage, delivery and use of green hydrogen.
- Networking and opportunity to initiate partnerships with Bavarian, German and international players from the hydrogen industry
- Knowledge exchange and transfer with national and international experts
- Meeting of Bavarian organizations and institutions as well as representatives of the Bavarian government
- Visiting and experiencing hydrogen technologies on site
Tickets for international visitors, whether with or without an organised delegation, will be available in the ticket shop. All holders of a ticket for international visitors will receive an email in good time before the event for free places on the bus tours.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the event team by email at team@hydrogendialogue.com.